Our Commitment
Our constant focus is on generating absolute returns and in minimizing the downside risk of your portfolio relative to the fund benchmarks, as seen by our simulated volatilities and risk-return profiles. We often employ a significant portion of management’s personal investments in these strategies, aligning your interests with management.
Our Passion
We strive to be the best-in-class in combining fundamental, macro-economic investing with in-depth quantitative analysis. Hands on approach to quantitative management with real-world analysis helps us forecast risk/returns and re-design the portfolios, not just on a monthly basis, but on a rolling weekly or even daily basis, based on news and volatilities.
Our Experience
Our founders have over two decades of Wall Street and quantitative experience across a variety of sectors and real estate. Their unique backgrounds have helped them focus on the unique blend of quantitative and fundamental analyses seen both in the Tactical Asset Allocation and REIT strategies.
Prudent Investing Across US, Europe and Emerging Markets
Prudence | Quantitative Insights | Global Allocation = Superior Portfolio Performance
Global TAASector Sensitive US Investing
In-Depth Research Into US sectors through Quantitative and Fundamental Analysis
US TAALong-Short All-Asset Allocation
Unique Quantitative and Fundamental Approaches to Long-Short US Equity Investing
Long Short EquityExperience
A Wealth of Wall Street Experience - From 2002
Quantitative Insights
Unparalleled Quantitative Qualifications
Well-tested Strategies
Across Diverse and Extreme Global Scenarios
A Market Correction in the Works
What's next for US REITs?
Oct 8 2021
Once a month, we often summarize some excellent reads/noteworthy news that have captured our attention over the past month or so. Some notes and links are below and as always, read at your leisure. On a quick note, I am happy to note that our managed accounts are performing ahead of the S&P 500 as of Read more ➝
Sep 8 2021
The volatility of bond yields today We, at Berunda Capital, pride ourselves on our sophisticated forecasting models, but we have to admit we are sometimes wrong. Especially, the direction of Treasury yields has become so notoriously difficult to forecast in the short-term (not so in the pre-COVID days). And stocks have become significantly sensitive to Read more ➝
Mar 17 2020
Dear Clients: Good evening! Hope all is well with you and your families. This is indeed an unprecedented moment of crisis for the heath (and much less importantly, wealth) of our world’s nations. Since most of you may be taking some personal time off and/or at least working from home and given the recent Read more ➝